Good leader not enough? Want to be a great leader? Easier said then done? Here are the solutions.
Mclaren Consultancy
Fri Dec 13 2019 04:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Do you think you are a great leader?
Crisis is coming at company leaders, according to a study, management is not being trusted for nearly one-third of employees. In addition, employers must now meet the needs of Generation Z. It also mentioned that after graduating from college, employees will change their jobs four times on average before the age of 32. Most of them don’t feel satisfied on their existing jobs.
Leaders find trust and loyalty are hard to be developed in their employees. However, this can be changed. To motivate your teams to achieve different tasks or objectives, great leadership abilities cannot be missed. Let’s see what are the eight of the most essential qualities that make a great leader.
1. Passionate
Being passionate for the company, its products and its mission cannot be hypocritical. Employees can recognize and identify hypocritical cheerleaders shortly. However, when the leader is honestly enthusiastic and fervent, that’s infectious. Being passionate also benefits leaders to identify key issues that exists in their company and issues can be resolved.
2. Integrity
Great leaders always show integrity. Integrity is a natural moral belief that does the right thing and rejects those wrong things, regardless of the consequences of the decisions. Integrity comes in many forms, but the most important qualities of the workplace are reliability, honesty, loyalty and good judgment. If you are known for your integrity, you will gain trust and respect from the people around you.
Afterall, employees don’t want to work with an organisation that doesn't keep their word, that says one thing but does something else or that offers bad products or services. Instead, they would want to work with the organisation who can be trusted to follow through with what they have agreed upon.
3. Communication
Communication is essential for great leaders and can mitigate conflict. By using great communication skills leaders can encourage, coach and discipline the people they are responsible for. On the other hand, poor communication can lead to adversative consequences. You don’t want your employees to feel misunderstood after all.
4. Loyalty
True loyalty is mutual by both employers and employees. This does not work if only one of them does it and the best leaders understand that. Therefore, they have different strategies and ways to ensure that all team members have the training and resources to complete their work. They also give support to team members when facing difficulties and conflicts. Having said that, an employee must respect his duty of loyalty regardless of the industry he works in or position he has.
5. Decisiveness
When decisions need to be made, effective managers gather the facts, analyze the situation, consider alternatives, and decide on the best course of action. Most importantly they act quick. They don't procrastinate.
Decisive managers understand that their decisions may not be perfect and, therefore, that modifications may be required. They don't hesitate to modify or alter their decisions when it becomes clear that the original decision isn't working out exactly as planned. The effective manager knows that making a decision and taking action is almost always better than taking no action at all.
Negative impact will occur if spending too much time on having consensus or letting the debate goes on. At the end the decision will satisfy no one and these decisions are often unproductive.
6. Managerial capability
Organizations tends to develop people who are good at working to become leaders. The quality of their work should always be great as they have a clear understanding of the services and products of the companies throughout, and of the course including the company's goals, processes and procedures.
However, can quality of work prove that they can become a leader that can inspire, motivate, mentor and direct others? For example football players can be excellent in field playing and winning different title but can they also become a successful coach?
7. Empowerment
Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision-making about their job in autonomous, independent, self-directed ways. A good leader helps employees to foster their ability and desire of employees to act in empowered ways.
8. Charisma
Charismatic people make others feel great. Instead of focusing on their own success, they spend a great deal of time and energy trying to lift others up. By helping the people around them, they create an environment of positive energy that others are naturally drawn to.
Good leader gives help and expertise whenever people need it. They are being humble about your achievements and give people sincere praise and gratitude when they do something good.
The above-mentioned qualities are unquestionably essential to great leadership. Without them, leaders will not be able to maximize their full potential. Thus, their employees will never perform as well as they can either. Because of this, organizations must learn the best ways to identify and also to develop these qualities.
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