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Business restructuring is tough for any responsible employer who treasures and values employee contributions, which is why we want to give you the best solutions.

Our expertise has assisted in simplifying the restructuring process and helped departing employees accelerate the transition in a risk-reduced manner. We provide tailor-made training in CV writing, interviewing skills, soft skills and market knowledge for candidates who are undergoing career transition. We can also maximize the departing employees’ reach in career opportunities. For organizations who are undergoing restructuring, our consultation to your existing employee would make them stay engaged and committed.

We help you protect and enhance your brand image and reputation in the long term.

Our 3-stage Service


Notification Day

We offer comprehensive services to our clients, which includes staff termination.


Our responsibility?

As a third party, we do not have any conflict of interest in the matter, ensuring a smooth procedure in which we provide unbiased feedback. We then provide immediate assistance in job search to the employees concerned.

Our support?

During this process, we commit ourselves into providing all the support regarding termination formalities, including official termination letter, detailed explanation of the situation and so on, making the whole process hassle-free for our clients.

We will train them on delivering the termination message:

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We provide the most effective meeting structure catered to different situations:



Follow-up Training on
Impacted Employees

We provide 1-to-1/group coaching on the impacted employees’ tangible and intangible skills specifically in the following 4 categories:


Our responsibility?

We provide the departing employees with coaching that includes all the favorable and ideal traits from our updated market trend. The departing employees will be supported in preparation for interviews and assessing job offers.

For career opportunities we apply on the departing employees’ behalf, we will also assist in the negotiation of salary package and other related matters.

Your benefits?

We assist impacted employees in performing a comprehensive job search.

Mclaren Consultancy, being the leading Sales and Marketing specialist, with the support of Robinson Consultancy which specializes in Mid-office and Back-office recruitment, we supply the most updated information of the job market, salary index, companies background, current vacancies, global economy, market trends and much more to the impacted employees.



1-on-1 Assessment
On Existing Staff

We follow up with specific staff who remain as employees of the company to assess the impact of the restructuring on their morale.

We conduct a 2-hour private session with the employees on the following topics:

  • The employee’s positioning within the company

  • The employee’s mental attributes from a career perspective

  • The employee’s career potential

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