How to write a good CV?
Mclaren Consultancy
Thu Sep 13 2018 06:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Your CV is the first impression that an employer has of you so it is very important to make it precise and easy to read. Before writing the content, you need to figure out the purpose of sending this CV.
1. Purpose of a CV
A written version of elevator pitch of yourself
What are your key selling points?
– Academic achievement
– Relevant experience – not necessarily relevant but experience that shows you are an achiever
– Network – professional association? Chamber of commerce?
– Career objective – at least it shows you are applying to the right job
2. Content of a CV
Full name and contact details (phone, email)
– Specific job functions that you are looking for -
Education (universities, qualification, major, year of graduation)
– Is secondary education needed?
– HKCEE/HKALE/public exams for universities admission?
– GPA? -
Relevant experience: work, internship, extra-curricular activities, volunteer work, business case competition or any other experience that adds value
– Chronological order
– Title
– Name of employer / organization
*A short paragraph of brief description is recommended. Hyperlink welcomed
– Dates of employment / participation
– Responsibilities – can you divided your responsibilities into 2-3 core functions?
– Achievement – quantifiable achievements
3. Tailor-made CV
Know the specific requirements of the job that you have applied to, summarize your relevant skills set and experience into several paragraphs.
Always remember: the headline sells more than the content!
Pay attention to:
– Spelling or grammatical mistake
– Inconsistent formatting
– Avoid graphics
– Avoid being too fancy
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