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MC24080201 - ESG Corporate Risk Management and Compliance Specialist


  •  Bachelor's degree in business, finance, business administration,                 economics, or accounting-related disciplines.

  • Minimum 3 years of relevant compliance experience in asset and wealth management institutions or professional organizations specializing in asset and wealth management.

  • Familiar with domestic and international ESG-related laws, regulations, and standard systems.

  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.

  • Strong communication, coordination, and project management abilities.

  • Possess relevant domestic and international work experience, with an understanding of overseas and Chinese markets.

Hong Kong



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Job Responsibilities:

  • Monitor and analyze ESG-related laws and regulations to ensure the client's business and operations are in compliance.

  • Assist clients in developing and optimizing ESG management systems, including policies, processes, and internal controls.

  • Conduct ESG due diligence and risk assessments, and provide improvement recommendations.

  • Provide training to client employees to enhance their awareness and compliance understanding of ESG matters.

  • Regularly report to the client's management team on ESG compliance and risk status.

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